Monday, April 1, 2013

Hoarding; Buried Alive

The end of September they came...the Hoarding Buried Alive Crew. They came for a weekend to perform a miracle... empty out Bettie's House. They filmed us walking through the house, they interviewed us, filmed us packing up our house, playing with our kids, and the most important part... they helped Bettie with all her stuff!

The Haul out day was amazing! It was terrifying being in front of the camera for 3 days but it was an experience of a life time and the answer to our prayers.

AND.... guess what! The episode airs this Wednesday APRIL 3RD 9 pm (my time) TLC.

It is a must watch!

Hoarding: Buried Alive Episode: "She's Going to Jail"

Season 4, Episode 17
Episode Synopsis: Examining the case of a woman who's been sent to jail four times by local authorities because of her hoarding. Also: A couple who bought a house without looking at it now own the hoard that's inside. Original Air Date: Apr 3, 2013


  1. That was a GREAT show!! You are adorable Amber! :) That photo at the end of the new construction was such a dangling carrot! :) I can't wait to see progress pictures as the remodel goes on! CONGRATS AND GOOD LUCK! :)

  2. Just saw this episode on TLC. My mother was a real estate agent. I'm guessing I do not know the whole story, because I do not know ANY real estate agent or, anyone with common sense, for that matter, that would buy a house without going inside. ESPECIALLY, after seeing the neglected state of the outside of the house.
